The Ore Mountain Museum is located in the eastern part of the Ore Mountains, near the towns of Chomutov and Most. It was built within the framework of the project “Mediation of common historical values of folk architecture and lifestyle including folk art in the Krušné hory region of Seiffen / Lesná”, supported by the Cíl 3 / Ziel 3 Program to support cross-border cooperation between the Czech Republic and the Free State of Saxony 2007-2013.
1. Advent v Lesné
V neděli startují předvánoční adventní...
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I letos jsme si pro Vás připravili možnost zakoupit si u nás v Lesné domácí a ručně vyráběné krušnohorské cukroví ze šamotové pece. Doporučujeme si rezervovat pod tímto...
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